Help Marywood Cast a Vote for The Great American Read

Sponsored by PBS, the Public Broadcasting System, the Great American Reads (GAR) is an 8-part video series celebrating the power and joy of reading.  One hundred (100) books were selected from thousands of books, to reveal our nation’s diversity and our shared human experience.

The launch of GAR occurred with the premier broadcast on May 22nd and starting September 11, will continue each Tuesday night until October 23rd. Each broadcast will showcase a theme such as “Who am I?” “Other Worlds,” and “the Grand Finale,” when America’s favorite novel is revealed.

The top 100 books were chosen by conducting a demographically and statistically representative survey asking people to name their most-loved book.  Some criteria for these 100 books included: the book must be a fiction book, each author was limited to just one title, and books were published in English.  The list is broad with books as far back as the 1600s and as recent as 2016. Lots of choices rose to the surface including: young adult, science fiction/fantasy, romance, historic fiction, and the classics.

Libraries throughout the nation are conducting programs to celebrate Great American Reads and Marywood is one of many.  The local Scranton Public Library is having a Trivia Contest while many libraries are having ongoing book discussions.

We invite you to vote for Marywood’s most loved novel.

Since nation-wide voting has been ongoing since the May launch, the list we are going with is the updated PBS list of the top 40 titles. Click on each title to learn more about it.

To cast a vote on behalf of Marywood, submit your vote before October, 22nd. and watch the Library & Learning Commons’ Facebook page for our final vote. PBS will announce the nationwide winner on Tuesday, Oct 23rd.

To see the entire 100 Books list, learn more about this event, and vote for your personal favorites (you can vote once a day!) visit the PBS site. You can vote for and root for your favorite books on your social media accounts with their book hashtags list!

…So, how many of America’s favorite books have you read? Let us know!

Download a printable Checklist. 

The Great American Reads airs Tuesdays on PBS @7pm.

Thanks for participating!


The LC Presents: I Read a Latté!

Think of your favorite pairings: silver and gold, black and white, hats and scarves. When you think of one, the other follows! The same goes for books and coffee. What better beverage to transport yourself into another world than a steaming cup of coffee?

In the spirit of pairs and warm drinks, the Marywood University Learning Commons presents:



Nothing pairs better than a cozy mystery and a nice cup of coffee. We invite you to buy a coffee, take a seat, and settle into a new book. You’ll find authors from all across the genre spectrum. Immerse yourself into the worlds of amateur detectives, action-packed adventures, nostalgic childhood memories, and magical lands. With famous authors like David Baldacci, Debbie Macomber, and James Patterson, you’ll experience a great story within minutes. You’ll never know what you’ll find, but with a book in one hand and a coffee in the other, you’re bound to enjoy the ride.

Visit the display on the first floor of the Learning Commons across from the computers. To check out a book, bring your selection to the Knowledge Bar.

Fall Election Political Display

In the Marketplace: Politics on Display

by Maura O’Neill & Margaret Mary Makowski, Library Circulation

fall 2016 marketplace political resources display

Courtesy of library work study students Margaret Makowski (left) and Maura O’Neill (right).

The 2016 presidential campaign has been rife with controversy, as both candidates have been the subject and cause of intense vitriol from all ends of the political spectrum. Donald Trump, a businessman and ex-reality TV star turned strongly opinionated politician, and Hillary Clinton, a controversial yet historic woman candidate with a background in politics, have been clashing on nearly every key issue this election. When two candidates have opinions that are such polar opposites, it can be difficult for impartial voters to decide where they stand on certain issues and which candidate they support. To make this decision easier, we created a display of politically themed books, CDs, and DVDs that will give unsure voters the tools they need to make an informed decision this November.


The first category will give readers a general background in American politics, with books such as Primary Politics by Elaine C. Kamarck that describe how the U.S election system actually works. Once you’ve got a decent background in politics, you can begin to understand some of our nation’s past presidents and elections by reading historical political books such as Franklin D. Roosevelt: The War Years 1939-1945 by Roger Daniels and The Stronghold by Thomas F. Schaller.

After reading about political history, you can move on to learning about some of the struggles for human rights that have been an integral part of our nation’s history. Books such as Give Us the Ballot by Ari Berman, Forcing the Spring by Jo Becker, and After Roe by Mary Ziegler will give you insight into a wide array of human rights struggles.

Next, you can read books like Controlling the Message by Victoria A. Farrar-Myers and Justin S. Vaughn to learn how the media influences political elections, and you can read books like Prop Art by Gary Yanker to understand what messages political art is able to convey.

One of the biggest issues in recent U.S. politics has been health care reform; you can read books such as Health Care Policy and Practice by Cynthia Moniz and Stephen Gorin to get informed on this topic.

If you’re reading this blog as a student or faculty member, you are probably interested in the topic of education. Check out Degrees of Inequality by Suzanne Mettler about the political and economic factors that influence the education system.

Another one of the biggest issues this election has been immigration and racism. A Nation of Nations by Tom Gjelten and The Criminalization of Immigration by Samantha Hauptman explain immigration and its controversies, while race issues in America are explored in Who We Be by Jeff Chang. Intertwined with racial issues is the debate on America’s prison system and the mass incarceration of minorities in private prisons, which is explored in books like A Country Called Prison by Mary D. Looman and John D. Carl.

With the rise of terrorist groups like ISIS, religion has been an issue at the forefront of this election. You can read American Islam by Paul M. Barrett, Beyond Religious Freedom by Elizabeth Shakman Hurd, and other books to learn more about religious issues in America. The debate about religion has been catalyzed by increasing global violence. We chose books like What Changed When Everything Changed by Joseph Margulies and Citizen-Protectors by Jennifer Carlson to help readers explore violence, war, and gun control.

Another major issue in contemporary politics is our treatment of the environment, which is described in books such as Corporate America and Environmental Policy by Sheldon Kamieniecki.

Now that you’ve read up on politics, history, and the major issues the candidates are debating, you can finally begin to research the candidates themselves. Read up on both Trump and Hillary with The Art of the Deal by the Donald himself, A Woman in Charge by Carl Bernstein, and other books in the display.

Once you learn who the candidates are, you can follow their progress and opinions using some of the electronic resources listed below, which will give you up to date information on the 2016 presidential election.

so, what essential election reading would you recommend? visit us on facebook and LET US KNOW!