Suggestion Box

We want to know what you think

Love the Learning Commons? Running into a consistent problem? Have an idea for improvement? Let us know by submitting your feedback below. We will review your comment and our reply.

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7 thoughts on “Suggestion Box

  1. R says:

    1. the emergency exit door facing the LAC should be kept open from the outside. It doesn’t make sense for the one facing Naz to be open, but the door facing the LAC being closed.
    2. the library should have longer hours on fridays and saturdays and open earlier on sundays. But the better thing to do is to have 24/7 hours. So the regulars can remain the same. For example, if someone wants to study at the learning commons until 10pm on a friday, that person can just exit using a designated door that will be locked from the outside, but the person can exit from the inside.


    • aavery says:

      Dear R,

      Thank you for submitting your thoughts. For security reasons, neither emergency exit doors are meant to be used for regular entry/egress. This was decided for security reasons, so if you find them open, it’s by chance. Along those lines, with increased staffing and security we would be happy to extended our hours and really hope to be able to do so in the future. The building is open 24/7 during finals week, currently.


  2. Anonymous says:

    I was talking to one of the house keepers and she told me that furniture (bean bags, extra white boards, etc) is not allowed in the study rooms. Why is this the case? Why can’t students have furniture in the study rooms to be more comfortable?


    • aavery says:

      Hi! Thanks for commenting. We definitely want students to be comfortable and to be able to arrange spaces to suit their needs. BUT, at this point there aren’t enough whiteboards to move into study rooms without leaving other group study spaces outside of the rooms without one, and often times they do not make their way back to where they should be. We are trying to keep the distribution of furniture and boards even throughout all 3 floors! We hope you understand and sorry for the inconvenience. 🙂


  3. Kayla says:

    There are no actual quiet areas to study at other than the study rooms (which are always taken). And yes I know there are boards that say “quiet study area” but no one follows that. I think the problem is the way the furniture is set up. I would say, white cubical should all be placed on one side of the library (away from group study tables or those colorful chairs). And the group study tables should be placed in one section. This way it would reduce the distraction. I liked the set up of the old library far better, because it provided many quiet study areas. (the basement was mainly cubical so it was very quiet). And also the old library had glass doors which shielded the cafe so that the noise wouldn’t spread across the whole library. (this should have definitely taken into consideration).


    • aavery says:

      Hi Kayla,

      Thanks so much for your comments, and especially the suggestion to rearrange cubicles and furniture. This is a possibility we could experiment with and luckily the furniture is very movable. 🙂 As for the cafe…we are all in agreement that this is perhaps one of the biggest sources of noise. We will also explore options, though remodeling/construction is more difficult.


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